Enhance your Memory, Creativity Critical Thinking and Learning

For a limited time, become part of the official World Memory Club for free and gain access to exclusive content and learning journeys designed by our world-renowned faculty.
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Our vision is creating a memory-literate society where people develop their full intellectual, creative and social potential while building a neurological reserve against brain-related aging and diseases. The World Memory Club is the sister organization of the World Memory Championships, now in their 25th anniversary, and counts on a faculty of world-renowned experts. See the following video to learn more about this exclusive club.

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Our Faculty

Raymond Keene

Raymond Keene

Chairman and professor

Raymond D. Keene (OBE) is considered one of the best UK chess players. He is the co-founder of the World Memory Championships and an expert in Memory and how chess relates to developing the mind.
Dominic O'Brien

Dominic O'Brien


Dominic is one of the most renowned authorities in Memory around the world. He is the eight times World Memory Champion and has published numerous books on the subject.

Manahel Thabet

Manahel Thabet


Dr. Manahel Thabet is ranked among the 30 smartest people alive (2011) by SuperScholar and is the recipient of Brain of the Year Award (2015-2016).
Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan

Dean Faculty and professor

Professor Tony Buzan is the inventor of Mind Mapping, which is used by more than 250 million people around the world. He is a world-renowned expert in the brain and has sold more than 6 million books in brain-related topics.
Jorge Castaneda

Jorge Castaneda

CEO and professor

Dr. Castaneda is the inventor of the FISHER methodology for applied creativity and Root Cause Systemic mapping for problem solving. He has conducted seminal research in memory and multiple intelligences.
Elaine Colliar

Elaine Colliar


Elaine is five times World Mind Mapping Champion, and author of books on Mind Mapping, memory and study skills. She is one of the five Master Trainers in these topics as well as a professional speaker and advisor.

Phil Chambers

Phil Chambers


Phil has been a World Mind Mapping Champion and has an in-depth knowledge in Mind Mapping and Memory. He is also Chief Arbiter of the World Memory Sports Council.
Chris Day

Chris Day


Chris Day is the General Secretary of the World Memory Sports Council and has been a part of the sport for over twenty years.

Your Membership Perks

Exclusive Content

Gain access to free exclusive content tailored to your chosen learning journeys and needs.

Members-only Offers

Special offers and discounts for the Learning Journeys and other premium content.

Facebook Private

Belong to a community that interacts with our world-renowned faculty in enriching their knowledge and practice of our cutting-edge methodologies

Weekly Webinars

Partiicipate in our free webinars, conducted by our faculty and tailored to your learning journeys and needs.

Key Learning Journeys

The learning journeys are divided into three categories (Memory, Creativity and Learning) and three tiers by category. The second tier of each category comprises an advanced program / certification as a user of the methodologies. The third tier includes the certification as instructor. Participants who complete this degree become official instructors of the World Memory Club and could deliver their courses on a worlwide scale.





Foundation Course

Learn how to use your memory for your daily activities while building a powerful neurological reserve against brain maladies and diseases.


Foundation Course

Understand how to unleash your creative potential by learning key techniques that use the brain in the way it is supposed to be used.


Learning Fundamentals

Understand the process of “learning how to learn” and discover how you could learn any skill or knowledge for a lifetime.

Memory Master Program

Become a Memory Master by learning and practicing advanced memory techniques and the process for building an intelligent memory.

Certification in Applied Creativity

Become certified in applied creativity and formulate projects, guided by our expert mentors, for generating significant returns on investment.

Learning How to Learn Program

Become certified in “learning how to learn” and apply this process in your organization or personal life though a world-class framework.

Memory Instructor

Become a licensed instructor in Memory and its processes, such as Intelligent Memory, Mind Mapping, and Memory Rhythms. Offer courses and workshops to your clients.

Applied Creativity Instructor

Become a licensed instructor in Applied Creativity and offer workshops, courses and consulting services to your clients.

Learning How to Learn Instructor

Become a licensed intructor in Learning How to Learn and offerworkshops, courses and consulting services to your clients.

Our Strategic Partners

Strategic Alliances